What Is the Most Durable Type of Dental Implant?

Real,Doctor,Holding,Model,Of,Teeth,With,Dental,Implant,,Closeup.Millions of Americans choose dental implants to replace missing teeth. Dental implants, small titanium posts surgically implanted into the jawbone, deliver strong foundations for crowns, bridges, and dentures. But with so many implant options available — endosteal, subperiosteal, and zygomatic implants — how do you choose the right one?

All implants are durable, but the right fit for you will be based on several factors. A personal evaluation from your dentist is the best way to decide on an implant that suits your needs.

Factors Impacting Durability

Several critical elements influence the lifespan of a dental implant. These factors include:

  • Implant Material: Long-lasting, biocompatible titanium is the standard, but newer materials such as zirconia are emerging as promising alternatives.
  • Patient Health: A patient’s medical history, oral hygiene routines, and smoking habits play a role in implant durability.
  • Surgical Expertise: The more skilled the dentist is, the more precisely the implant is placed, significantly impacting its long-term viability.
  • Dental Implant Aftercare: Regular dental check-ups and daily dental care are essential for maintaining proper implant health.

Implant Type & Durability

Let’s explore the different types of dental implants and their durability.

  • Endosteal implants. The most common implant in use, endosteal implants, are embedded directly into the jawbone, offering outstanding durability.
  • Subperiosteal implants. This type of implant rests on top of the jawbone. Subperiosteal implants are suitable for patients with significant bone loss but have slightly reduced durability as they are not fused to the bone.
  • Zygomatic implants. Zygomatic implants anchor in the patient’s cheekbone. These implants are used in complex patient cases requiring specialized expertise.

How To Choose the Right Implant

Figuring out which is the most durable dental implant depends primarily on your own personal circumstances. A dentist with specialized training, expertise, and experience is instrumental in assessing your oral health and recommending the right implant to meet your needs.

The dentist will evaluate your jawbone density, structure, and general health to determine the best implant to ensure a successful outcome. The durability of your dental implant is crucial, but it’s just one factor among many, including compatibility matching with each type of implant.

Contact Us Today to Learn More About Dental Implants

If you’re ready to learn more about dental implants and replace damaged or missing teeth, Dr. Louisa Gallegos is prepared to help! She is an experienced dental prosthetics expert who provides comprehensive support for mild to complex cases.

Please contact our Denver, CO, office today to schedule a consultation by calling 303-316-4034 or submitting an online form.

Louisa Gallegos, DDS, MSD Prosthodontist

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