Dental care isn’t just for people with a mouth full of natural teeth. You may feel that once you get dentures, your oral health does not require a dentist’s care; however, visiting the dentist with dentures is just as important as if you did not.
Regular dental visits provide a comprehensive exam, cancer screening, and cleaning. It can also help address concerns you may have, including issues like periodontal disease, bone loss, and gum irritation from dentures.
You Should Still See the Dentist Twice a Year
Even after having your final teeth extracted or switching to dentures, you need to see a dentist every six months. This is the gold standard schedule for preventative dentistry; when you visit your dentist with dentures, they take a look at your entire mouth. This includes your jaw, tongue, gums, and roof of your mouth (palate).
For those who have partial dentures, visiting the dentist twice a year will help preserve your remaining teeth.
Improve Your Dentures Comfort and Longevity
Dentures become loose over time, which can cause issues with chewing and speech. Having routine dental checkups can ensure your dentures are always fitted properly and don’t cause any unnecessary irritation to your gums.
Furthermore, wearing loose dentures could expose your mouth to more bacteria; cuts and scrapes from rubbing could cause infection. Prolonged inflammation and irritation can also increase your risk of other diseases.
You Should Still Visit the Dentist When You Have No Teeth
Just because you do not have teeth does not mean your oral health doesn’t matter. During a visit, the dentist will perform an inspection, monitor bone loss, conduct full oral cancer screenings, and address any other issues you may have.
You can still also receive a cleaning and personalized recommendations from the dentist on how to best care for your oral health, with or without full dentures.
Schedule an Appointment With a Dentures Expert
Dr. Louisa Gallegos, DDS, MSD, is a highly trained and experienced dental expert who specializes in restorative dentistry. Her extensive knowledge of prosthetic dental devices, like dentures, allows her to deliver the most comprehensive care to her patients.
Please call the dental office in Denver, CO, at 303-316-4034, or request an appointment online.