When To Consider All-on-4® Dental Implants

Render,Of,Mandibular,Prosthesis,All,On,4,System,Supported,By All-on-4® dental implants are an innovative solution for dental implants. These implants rely on only four titanium rods for full arch support, which drastically reduces the amount of time and metal rod implants needed to secure a new set of teeth in place. Here is what you should know.

About All-on-4 Dental Implants

Significant tooth loss can result in deterioration of the jawbone. Since this can make it difficult to place traditional dental implants, individuals who struggle with this problem have the ability to opt for All-on-4 dental implants. This solution only relies on four posts, maximizing the use of the existing jawbone while also stimulating natural bone growth.

What To Consider

If you are thinking about getting All-on-4 dental implants, there are various factors that you should consider.

Your Oral Health

When weighing your options for dental implants, you must consider your oral health. Those interested in getting All-on-4 dental implants must have good oral health. This will ensure the implants are able to heal properly and fuse correctly with the jawbone.

If You Have Moderate Bone Atrophy

When a person chews or bites something, the teeth roots stimulate the jawbone tissues. This helps to keep the bone tissue healthy. After experiencing tooth loss, the ability to stimulate the tissue is essentially lost. As a result, patients experience bone atrophy. Individuals who have moderate bone atrophy may not be suitable candidates for a conventional dental implant. However, All-on-4 dental implants are strategically placed, which makes it possible for individuals with moderate jawbone atrophy to get reliable implants.

If You Desire Quick Results

Although regular dental implants are reliable, they require a lot of time. This is particularly true if bone grafting is needed. In contrast, those getting All-on-4 implants can receive temporary restoration on the same day as the rods are put in place.

Schedule Your Appointment in Denver, CO

All-on-4 dental implants are an excellent choice for individuals who want to have the benefits of traditional implants without the lengthy, rigorous process. These implants are quick, reliable, and natural-looking.

If you are interested in seeing if you are a good candidate for All-on-4 dental implants, contact Dr. Louisa Gallegos, DDS, MSD, today to schedule an appointment. Dr. Gallegos can meet with you at her Denver, CO, office to discuss the options available to help you create a smile you love. Contact the office today at 303-316-4034 to request an appointment.

Louisa Gallegos, DDS, MSD Prosthodontist

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